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Bridge City church, non-profit group feeding Hurricane Laura victims

The group says they put out almost 1,200 meals in a matter of two hours.

BRIDGE CITY, Texas — A group in Bridge City is making a difference in the lives of Hurricane Laura victims, and they're doing so by making sure no one goes hungry. 

More than a dozen people from the First Assembly of Bridge City gave their time to pass out food and water for Hurricane Laura victims in Orange County. 

Pastor Allen Chapin says they couldn't have done it without the help of Burnt Offerings BBQ. 

"It's a non-profit organization that helps cooks in disasters like this. They contact us and said can we set up at your church so we can help feed people so they can keep going with the cleanup process. So we were thrilled about that. They came and started yesterday smoking pulled pork and tomorrow's brisket, baked beans and potato salad, baked potatoes," Chapin said. "Tyson chicken donated a truck of twenty thousand pounds of boneless chicken breast."  

The non-profit organization has been overwhelmed by the response thus far, by the Orange County community. 

RELATED: LIST: Where Hurricane Laura victims can get food, ice, resources

Stephen Lang is a co-founder of Burnt Offerings BBQ. 

"The response here has been incredible. The need is great. We recently put out nearly 1,200 meals in almost two hours and there's still lines coming down the road for people who need food," Lang said.  

Two Orange County residents say it's groups like this that help keep them going.

"It's a blessing. God's put them together and everyone is pulling together," Debra Wright said. 

"It shows that we can all come together even in this times of black or white. All this foolishness, people still have a heart to help each other and that's the way that we need to be," Joseph Bush 

The group plans on being at First Assembly in Bridge City everyday at noon this week and will continue to serve until they run out. 

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