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Southeast Texas elementary teacher says 'no homework' all year

An Evadale second and third grade math teacher wants students to worry about spending time with their family rather than focusing on homework.

EVADALE, Texas — Hundreds of students across Evadale return to school this week. Richelle Terry is teaching second and third grade math for the first time at Evadale Elementary. 

Terry is looking to carry over the same approach that she did while teaching Pre-K. She said she will not be issuing any of her students homework. The educator said she wants students to spend time outside of school with family and enjoy being a kid. 

"You see them and they're like, 'I hate school, I don't like school, I don't like learning, that class is boring.' It's because they take the fun out of it, everything is serious, it's this, this, this and this, and it doesn't have to be that way," Terry said about her previous conversation with students. 

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She said she believes that there will be more than enough time during class for students to complete their assignment. This year, the school has added a tutorial period,which can be used for students who need additional help. 

While no homework has been assigned, Terry admits that they will evaluate as the semester goes on. 

Evadale ISD has a set curriculum which allows teachers the freedom to choose their lessons plans -- as long as students meet requirements.

"When I go home, the last thing I want to do is more school work, and the last thing they want to do is more school work, I'd rather snuggle and TV time, talk and dinner together," she said.

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