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Newest member of Lamar University's police force is a 'hug dog'

Officer "Derrick Boomer Lamar" isn't the usual type of K9 officer as his job is to be there for students and staff when they need assistance.

BEAUMONT, Texas — The newest member of the Lamar University Police Department is the first of his kind for the campus police force.

Officer "Derrick Boomer Lamar" isn't the usual type of K9 officer as his job is to be there for students and staff when they need assistance.

"He is called a victim assistance canine," says Cpl. Chad Stegall, the dog's handler. "When people ask what he does, I break it down to saying that he's a hug dog. He's there to kind of change their attitude a little bit."

"Derrick Boomer Lamar" is the first ever K9 member of the Lamar Police Department.

"It's amazing how much he makes a difference," Stegall says.

"Derrick" can  be found roaming the streets and looking for treats on the Lamar campus.

"You would almost think that he's like a sniff dog or a drug dog," Stegall says. "But what he's doing, he's looking for any crumbs on the floor and then he'll go to you."

"Derrick" has already made an impact on staff and students at the university.

"One of the professors that had asked if I could bring 'Derrick' over for his staff to visit with him and they all ask like, is it okay, if we call you when we need that," Stegall said. "That's what we're here for. That's what we do."

The new officer is there to make "ruff" days a little brighter for everyone on campus.

"When we're driving around campus, you will literally hear students holler, and trying to flag me down by waving at me to get me to stop so that way they can run up to the window and pet him.," Stegall said.

Being a K9 handler was always a dream of Cpl. Stegall's and he says he was excited to be chosen to work as "Derrick's" handler.

"Just seeing that impact on not just the students, but the staff around here. It makes it all worthwhile," he said.

"Derrick" seems to love his new job and all the attention he gets on campus as a celebrity of sorts.

"Nobody knows my name," Stegall said. "You will see us out walking and you'll hear everyone screaming for Derrick."

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